©2003 NancyJacob

North of the Arctic Circle, I heard a strong hissing. It was a tire. Immediatly, I stopped, jumped out and put my finger over the hole. It was a big hole with a piece of metal sticking out. I thought and prayed about what to do. I squirted superglue in the hole, leaving the tube in the hole. It was good until the tube bumped on a rock. If I had it to do again-God forbid this please-I would have squirted it in and sealed it with something flat and I think it would have held.

I remembered a similar event when I was with other people traveling with a top-heavy camper top and we heard hissing. "Freiking out" was mild for what my friends reactions. It was in the remote part of the North Maine Woods, many hours from help. I jumped out, put my finger over the hole and prayed. I was not taking no for an answer. I picked up a twig and stuck it in the hole. Days later, we made it out of the woods and home. It held up. In Alaska-not a twig-not a tree and not a bush. I had to put on the fake solid rubber tire. It worked just fine till I got into Coldfoot where they repaired the tire.

The white in the upper left is a glacier.